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Science and the Bible

I have come to truly love the Bible and am constantly finding new meaning in each
story. The various characters and situations compel me to take the emotion I feel and
create artistically.


The natural world—desert, mountain, storm, and sea—as described in the Bible sets the
stage for further inspiration for artistic creation.


Lately I have discovered—on a deeper level—different verses and characters that verify
the Bible’s wisdom and knowledge of scientific facts. These basic concepts of the natural
world that today we take for granted were concretely referenced in the Bible thousands
of years before their later “discoveries.” My tapestry “Mountains and Fountains in the Ocean” is an example. We read in Jonah 2: 5-6 “The surrounding waters threatened me, the depths surrounded me, towards the roots of the mountains I sank.” Only in the previous century was this proved with sonar. Today we have accurate maps of the sea floor that show mountains and volcanoes.



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